“My parents were preachers and ministers of music at my church. My mom plays organ, my dad plays guitar, and when I was I about three years old, I just kind of found my way to the back of the choir stand. They let me stay, and that was the beginning. My sister and I and two guys started the Southern Avenue Band about a year ago, and we play all over town now. I write the song lyrics, which gives me the freedom to say what’s on my mind. It might not be what normal, respectable people would express, but when we’re all in the room together and everybody can relate to the song, there’s no judgment in that moment. We’re all human and equal. There’s the freedom not to have to be perfect, to be ourselves as we are. When I sing, I feel that sense of freedom.”
Tierinii performing at South Main Sounds Songwriters Night, 550 S. Main