"I worked with the Girl Scouts for 30 years: 24 as a volunteer and 6 professionally. One of the funniest times was when two other leaders and I took a group of elementary school girls camping at Sardis. We were hiking through the woods and the kids saw a stream they wanted to play in. It was only about a foot deep, so we said sure. Well, one of the girls was wearing terrycloth shorts. You know how heavy and saggy terrycloth gets when it's wet, so she asked if she could just take them off. We thought, why not? There weren't any boys around. Well, the next thing we knew, all 28 of the little girls had decided they wanted to play in the water with just their underclothes on too. They were splashing around, laughing and being silly, and just having a ball! The only problem was, when we got back they told everybody they had gone skinny-dipping! They hadn't done any such thing! I don't think they even knew what the term meant, but they had heard it somewhere. I got called in and had to explain the whole episode to the supervisor."