“My brother went into the hospital with pneumonia and that’s when they found the lung cancer. It was already so bad they just sent him on home. When they do that, you know there ain’t nothing they can do for you. He just got worse and worse till he couldn’t do anything for himself anymore. He had to have somebody with him 24 hours a day. He died at home two months ago, in the same room where my mama died. I hated to see him go, but he was hurting all the time, so God told him, ‘Just come on home.’ He was the baby boy, my baby brother. Do you want to see his obituary? I’ll get it for you. Here, look at this. He was put away real nice. Don’t you think so? Everybody came to his funeral. The church was full, and the pastor preached a good message. When I talk about him, sometimes I break down, but he knows we loved him and he doesn’t want us to be crying. He’s healed now on the other side; he ain’t hurting or suffering anymore. He’s in a better place than we are now. Before he got sick, he used to come over and stay twenty or thirty minutes, and he’d say, ‘I just came by to check on you.’ He'd check on my sisters too. We love him and miss him. His birthday will be September 1 and that’s going to bring back a lot of memories. Be praying for us. It hasn’t been that long since we lost him.”