"I'm a senior, majoring in Mass Communications and Broadcast Journalism. One of the things I do is give motivational speeches in schools and churches. I try to give young people hope and tell them that there is more than one path, and that it’s up to them to choose it. In my talks, I include a poem I wrote about my dad. He left when I was young and I don’t really remember him at all. Fathers leaving their families isn’t something that happens just with black children; it happens in other races too, so it's something a lot of people can relate to. For a long time I used my dad’s absence as an excuse, but I finally realized that I had my own mind and I could use it. So when I talk to young people, I want to let them know that being without a father is not an excuse. They can still be great."
RaShawn performing a spoken word piece, Naked Truth, at the National Civil Rights Museum Drop the Mic Poetry Slam 2016, Memphis, Tennessee: