“I’ve been designing board games for years, just on the side. This one is called Vise Verses; it’s a Bible game. I have another one called Air Traffic Controller, and my next one’s going to be more of a movement-type thing. Board games remind me of when I was small and everybody used to play Monopoly. Our whole family would get down on the floor, on the carpet --- I remember taking my shoes off --- and just play a game together. We don’t do that anymore. Kids are in front of the TV with controllers in their hands, not interacting with each other. So that’s what I’m trying to bring back with my games: families doing something together. We need that in our community; we need it more than anything. Bringing us together is my way of giving back, and if I can do that with one of my games, it’s all worth it. A lot of people have contacted me and said, ‘Man, this is the best game! We had so much fun!’ When I hear that, it feels so good. That’s what it’s all about for me.”
Michael Neely, game designer
Website: http://jeromeneely191.wixsite.com/viseverses
Website: http://jeromeneely191.wixsite.com/viseverses