"If people around me are making the wrong decision, I state my opinion, say why I think it's the wrong thing to do, and leave it at that. People are going to do what they're going to do, but I don't have to go along with it. I just walk away. I know if I do the wrong thing, God and my family will get me. I was raised with older siblings and my parents are older, so whenever I act silly, they look at me like 'What are you doing?!' I was always expected to have good judgment. I think that if you're faced with a decision between doing the right thing or the wrong thing, you have to look at the consequences of each path and choose the one you can deal with. People can overcome mistakes, but it's hard. If you're going the wrong way, the best thing to do is just change direction. The wrong direction will lead you off the cliff.
"After high school, I'm planning to go into mechanical engineering. I'd like to work for FedEx as an aircraft engineer someday."
"After high school, I'm planning to go into mechanical engineering. I'd like to work for FedEx as an aircraft engineer someday."