"In December, I'm going to Ghana with a group of fifteen high school students who are involved in the One Step Initiative program. I'm very excited. It will be my first time to travel internationally and my first time to fly. I want to see how other people live, learn about their backgrounds, and see the kinds of foods they eat. I read a quote once that said, 'If you don't travel, you only read one page of a book in life.' I think that's true. If you only stay in one spot, you don't know how the rest of the world lives. I see a lot of young guys who don't know anything except violence, because that's what they've grown up around. I think if they had the chance to see the world, they would know there are other ways to live. You see things in a different way when you travel; you start to think differently. After I finish my education, I want to come back to my home community help other young people have the same opportunity to travel that I'm going to have."