LIBBY: "I'm 14 years old. I'm in eighth grade. I have three sisters and one brother. I like watching the Disney Channel and playing Barbies. Brooke is my friend. We have pajama parties and we dance."
RANDY (Dad): "The best thing about Libby is her personality. She's outgoing, funny, and we have the same sense of humor; we're silly together and just sort of click. She has a very loving spirit."
RANDY (Dad): "The best thing about Libby is her personality. She's outgoing, funny, and we have the same sense of humor; we're silly together and just sort of click. She has a very loving spirit."
The 2016 Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk was held on the campus of Christian Brothers University, 650 E. Parkway South, on Sunday, October 23, 2016.