"I started out lettering banners back in the 70's when I was still in high school, but I never did any drawing. In the 90's, I drew a few fashion models from pictures in magazines, but not many. Maybe three or four. Then I learned how to draw faces and did pictures of people's kids. I did that for money to buy a little food, but I stopped after a while and didn't pick up a pencil for twenty years. I was working as the 'pizza guy' at Rhodes when I showed my pictures to some of the students. They encouraged and motivated me to really start doing this again. That was in 2013. So I got a couple of pencils and an old pad of paper that nobody wanted, the kind they do conference presentations on, and started drawing. I've never had any art training. I made myself a portfolio out of cardboard, and I carry it on my bike. That's how I get around."
(Yes, that is actual netting around the bottom of these ball gowns.)
Kenny Davis also enjoys writing plays and has lots of ideas for documentary films.