"I moved from one state to another when I was in middle school, and I thought that was hard, but going from high school to college was much harder because I had to be an adult and I was on my own. Things I hadn't really thought about before, I suddenly had to be responsible for, like making my own medical appointments. Before, my mom was like, 'Hey, you need to go to the doctor' and I just said okay, but now I have to deal with that myself. And then there's work. Last semester I had a job at P-------'s which makes awesome pizza, but then I dyed my hair pink. That was against the rules. I couldn't keep the job and have pink hair. I really like it though; it's fun. I've got everything you'd think a stereotypical art kid would have: tattoos, a nose ring, lots of holes in my ears. And I live in the moment, which also does not help in the adult world, but I think that will change. I hope so. I'll learn my lessons. It'll happen."