“My mother saw the Wright Brothers---Wilbur and Orville---when they brought their plane to Montgomery, Alabama. She was always crazy about airplanes after that. She lived to her hundredth year. I’m 98 now myself, born on July 28, 1917. I remember my father’s first car, and I remember the school teaching us how to use a dial telephone before we ever got one at home. The most important invention in my lifetime was the television. When my husband and I got our first one, all the neighborhood children wanted to watch it. I told them they could watch it if they’d polish the silver, and they did! [*laughs*] I got my first computer when I was 82 years old, and I thought it was the most fascinating thing. I got married again when I was 82 too. My first husband and I had been good friends with Jack and his wife for over fifty years, so we knew each other very well. We’d both lost our mates, but we stayed friends. When he proposed, I said, ‘People will laugh,’ and he said, ‘People NEED to laugh!’ So I married him, and we had seven years together before he died. If you can find someone as sweet as Jack, I’d advise ANYbody to get married, even if you ARE 82!”