"My dad and I were estranged when I was in my twenties. The rift was my fault. I eventually apologized for my part in it, and over a long period of time made the effort to reconnect with him. We've revisited the issue a couple of times to talk over what happened. I'm not really sure he ever understood, but you get to a point with your parents where you just accept what happened in the past, get over it, and move on. You forgive them for what they've done, probably because you realize you screwed up your own kids just as much, only in a different way. My dad and I have gotten to know each other as people, and we're close now. He's 81 years old. We can talk about anything, disagree, and say to each other, 'I'll think about that.' We talk at least a couple of times a week. When I go see him, we play a lot of Scrabble. He has the board ready before I get up, and we play until we go to bed. Once we did that for 5 straight days. I think it was 5 days, but I lost count at some point."