“His name is Craigory, and he’s somewhere between 8 and 12 years old. When we met him, the shelter told us, ‘Oh, he doesn’t run, he doesn’t do much, he just sits down.’ That broke my heart. I knew if we could just get him home, we could fix that. Yes, he’s blind, but he’s a dog. He needs to play. The place we adopted him from had 97 other dogs, so what do you do with that many animals? You can’t do much. You can’t spoil them all. They would take him outside to go to the bathroom and then bring him back inside to his crate, so I know he spent a lot of time cooped up. My thing was, when we get him home, I want him to know: ‘Mama’s got me. If I want to run and play and be a dog, I can.’ I don’t want him to be scared because he can’t see. I’m his eyes. I got him. I wanted him to know that he could do whatever he wants to do, that I’m right here. And guess what - it’s working! We’ve only had him 3 weeks, but two nights ago we had a breakthrough. He dropped down, rubbed his face on the carpet, and rolled over. We were so excited we ran and grabbed the camera so we could get a video. He’s playing now! He even trots at the park. He’s our second elder dog. Our first one, Tink, passed away in January. We had her five years. Elders are just good pets. They’re so appreciative. We want Craigory to have a happy life with as many great years as we can give him.”