"I like to play classical music. When I'm learning a new song, I ask my piano teacher to play it first. I watch her fingers, I remember how she did it, and the music just gets inside me. I can read the notes, but I like to play by ear and by memory. If I'm feeling disappointed or upset, I play at a tempo of 10. Playing at 400 makes me feel happy and excited and wild. When I'm just feeling normal, I play at 100. My parents encourage me, but I encourage myself too. At my first recital I was nervous, but I've had ten or twenty recitals now and I don't feel nervous anymore. You know how people say just to imagine that everybody is in their underwear? Well, I really like dogs, so I imagine that everybody in the audience is a dog and it makes me feel calm and brings encouragement into my head. When I grow up, I want to play until my music is all over the world. I want to make enough money to travel to all the continents and play. Not Antarctica though. They don't have pianos there."
Bryson and twin sister Peighton, age 7