“I have a website too! It’s for Spina Bifida!”
“Do you know someone with Spina Bifida?”
“I have Spina Bifida and I know me, so I know someone with Spina Bifida!”
Bree was dressed as her favorite book character, Athena the Wise from the Goddess Girls series as part of Book Character Day at her school.
“Do you know someone with Spina Bifida?”
“I have Spina Bifida and I know me, so I know someone with Spina Bifida!”
Bree was dressed as her favorite book character, Athena the Wise from the Goddess Girls series as part of Book Character Day at her school.
Bree's website is Walk-N-Roll Memphis. The Walk-N-Roll event on November 8 in Overton Park will be the first ever fundraiser for Spina Bifida in the Memphis Area.