"It is very important for us to pass our culture on to our kids who were born here and to those who came when they were small. That's why I teach traditional dances, like the one with these coconut shells. We don't want our children to lose their heritage. They need to know where they come from and what is means to be a Filipino. The most important value for them to learn is respect for their elders. We have a gesture called 'mano po' which young people do as a sign of that respect. Here, we will show you." (see photo below)
According to Wikipedia, "Mano or Pagmamano is a gesture used in Filipino culture performed as a sign of respect to elders and as a way of accepting a blessing from the elder. Similar to hand-kissing, the person giving the greeting bows towards the offered hand of the elder and presses his or her forehead on the elder's hand."
Enjoying lunch at the Germantown International Fest 2016
***Series: Germantown International Festival***