"I'm my mother's only child. One day when I was 8 or 9 years old, I saw her changing bandages on her chest. I didn't realize till then that she had breast cancer, but she took me on her lap and explained it to me so that I could understand. She was in and out of the hospital for several years, but she always believed God would heal her. He did too. He delivered her. The cancer's gone. Healing people: that's the kind of business God specializes in. I had always believed in God, but her getting well strengthened my faith. That's the first answered prayer I ever had, that God would take care of my mama and help her live.
"The second answered prayer also happened when I was a kid. I was walking to the corner store wanting some candy, but I didn't have any money. I wasn't going to steal anything, but I sure wanted something sweet. I passed a phone booth and stuck my hand in the slot, and there was four dollars somebody had left! That just doesn't happen, not in the ghetto. So I took that money, went to the store and bought myself a cupcake, some Twinkies, Snickers, and some orange Now & Laters. God sure answered that prayer! I'm gonna get somebody to write about that one on my tombstone! (*laughs*)
"I pray for people all the time. I might see something on the news, like somebody getting hurt or their house burning, and it touches my heart. I always stop and pray for them."
"The second answered prayer also happened when I was a kid. I was walking to the corner store wanting some candy, but I didn't have any money. I wasn't going to steal anything, but I sure wanted something sweet. I passed a phone booth and stuck my hand in the slot, and there was four dollars somebody had left! That just doesn't happen, not in the ghetto. So I took that money, went to the store and bought myself a cupcake, some Twinkies, Snickers, and some orange Now & Laters. God sure answered that prayer! I'm gonna get somebody to write about that one on my tombstone! (*laughs*)
"I pray for people all the time. I might see something on the news, like somebody getting hurt or their house burning, and it touches my heart. I always stop and pray for them."